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Monday, March 3, 2014

Spring Training prospects update: Week 1

Throughout spring training, we here at Yanks Beat Blog will be updating you on the the progress of the team. In this series, I will give weekly updates on the stats and performances of the Yankees prospects.

The term prospect will be used loosely here and will include a lot of fringe prospects, and some players that shouldn't be considered prospects. When this feature continues on into the year I will be more restrictive in my usage of the word prospect. The players will be listed in random order and the player stats will be listed after their names.

The following stats will be given to position players: games played, AVG, OBP, and SLG. Pitcher's stats will be: innings pitched, strike outs, ERA and WHIP.

1. Yangervis Solarte,  4/.875/.875/1.714:

Solarte was signed as a minor league free agent earlier this off-season, and is currently battling for a spot in the Yankees infield. If he impresses the Yankees in spring training he has a small shot of making the team as an utility infielder. So far he has looked impressive; with both his bat and his glove. He made a very nice play at SS, which is surprising as he isn't considered a good defender at that position. If he keeps this up he might actual make the team, but I feel a lot of bad things would have to happen for him to win a roster spot over guys like Scott Sizemore, and Dean Anna.

2.  Adonis Garcia, 4/.625/.625/.750:

Garcia is a super utility player that could probably play every position besides shortstop and catcher. Garcia played the infield during Winter League and apparently did decently at second and third. This greatly improves his stock, but not enough so to make him that relevant. He may change this opinion if he continues to do well this spring, but as of now he is a 28 year old prospect who struggled in AAA last season.

 3. John Ryan Murphy, 4/.333/.429/.833:

John Ryan is technically in the race to be the teams backup catcher. But the fact that Fransisco Cervelli is out of options, means that only one of the two can stick on the club. This fact puts Murphy at a great disadvantage. With that said Murphy has looked very good at the plate so far, and at the very least may be improving his prospect stock. If he continues to do this well he may force the team to make a difficult choice.

4. Dean Anna, 4/.375/.444/.375:

Anna is a member of the Yankees forty-man roster, which means he has a much better chance of making the team than either Garcia or Solarte. Anna was an on-base machine throughout his minor league career. This skill may put him ahead of a player like Eduardo Nunez, who hasn't shown much of anything in his career. Additionally it is almost impossible for Anna to be a bigger disappointment at short than Nunez. If Anna even shows decent defense he should make the team as the utility player, if not as the starting second baseman.

5. Gary Sanchez, 2/.400/.4h0/1.000:

Sanchez is the Yankees best prospect, and should still be considered the teams future catcher. While he has little chance of making the team out of spring training, it's still nice to see that he came into camp in good shape, and already hit a homerun. He is easily the prospect most people should be watching, and hopefully he gets a few games at catcher before being sent down.

6. Jose Pirela, 4/.125/.125/.500:

Pirela is yet another player on this list who is fighting for a chance to be a utility infielder. Pirela did well during Winter League, but hasn't done much during camp. Considering he isn't on the 40-man roster he was a long shot anyway. Of course he still has plenty of time to impress the Yankees, and his stats are obviously not that important.

7. Ramon Flores, 4/.250/.250/.250:

So far Flores has played more games than any of the other Yankee outfield prospect. While it doesn't count, Flores also had a homerun in the Yankees first exhibition game. Flores will hopefully show power throughout spring training and the 2014 season.

8. Mason Williams, 3/.167/.167/.333:

Williams may not be putting up big numbers yet, but I have noticed that he seems to be hustling down the line. Considering that many questioned his attitude, this means a lot more than a small sample size of stats. No matter what happens this spring Williams is ticketed to go to AA.

9. Austin Romine, 4/.250/.333/.250:

Like Murphy, Romine would have to really explode to become the Yankees backup catcher. While he has that ability he really hasn't done that so far. That shouldn't really matter, because catchers get plenty of action during spring training.

10. Russ Canzler, 3/.143/.143/.143:

Canzler has a shot to be the teams thirdbaseman and backup first baseman, but really needs to impress the team this spring. His most important goal should be to prove he can actually play third. If he can he might actually make the team out of spring training. As of now he may be the Yankees best first base option should Mark Teixeira go down.

11. Dellin Betances, 3.2/2/0.00/0.55:

Betances development as a reliever is very important for the Yankees. If he can be trusted the Yankees would  have a fall back option in case Shawn Kelley fails. Right now their second best option after Kelley may not be available until August. So far Betances has looked very good, and seems to have good command and control of his pitches. If he keeps this up he should make the Yankees, as his upside is so much greater than Preston Claiborne's and Adam Warren's. 

12. Cesar Cabral 2.1/3/0.00/0.43:

To me Cabral is a virtual lock to make the Yankees. Vidal Nuno is better off as a starter in AAA, than as a reliever and Cabral has enough talent to be the teams second lefty in the pen. Hopefully, Cabral proves me right and continues to do well this spring.

13. Fred Lewis, 2/3/0.00/1.50:

If Cabral gets hurt or performs really poorly, Lewis might find his way onto the team. Lewis is a late bloomer. He really came into his own last season and was so impressive that some thought he  would be taken in the Rule 5 Draft. Fortunately no one took him and the Yankees will have another year to evaluate his talent in AAA.

14. Branden Pinder, .2/0/0.00/0.00:

He probably won't stay in the big league camp for long, but any success should be good for his confidence. He had disastrous season in 2013, and earned a demotion to A+. He is thought to have good stuff but has to show his ability at AA next season.  The team has several relief options ahead of him, and right behind him, so he really has to get his act together.

15. Bryan Mitchell, 2/3/0.00/1.50:

Mitchell looked pretty good yesterday. He struck out three big league hitters, and walked zero batters. If Mitchell could keep his walk total down he could quickly emerge as one of baseball best pitching prospects. Of course Mitchell has struggled with this part of his game his entire career, so it wont be easy. Hopefully he gets to stay in the big league camp for an extended period of time.

16. Danny Burawa, 1/0/0.00/1.00:

Like Lewis and Whitley, Burawa was a big name in the Rule 5 draft. Burawa is known for his hard fastball, and an inconsistent slider. Burawa has a good opportunity to impress the Yankees this spring, but I feel he will have to do a lot to actually make the team.

17. Mark Montgomery 1/0/0.00/0.00:

If Montgomery rebounds from 2013, and regains his velocity he can play an important role on the 2014 Yankees. Montgomery would be the perfect pitcher to take on David Robertson old fireman role, and potentially be the teams setup man.

18. Shane Greene, 2/1/4.50/1.50:

Greene was added to the 40 man roster this season and should start the year in AA. He still has a decent shot to remain a starter but would be ready sooner if the Yankees moved him to the pen.  Greene hasn't done great so far, but he has some talent.

19. Chase Whitley, 2/1/18.00/3.00:

Whitley, really missed a great opportunity last season, but he still has plenty of time to reach the majors. He is more of a middle reliever than a setup man, but he is one of the more consistent pitchers in the Yankees system.

20. Vidal Nuno, 2/3/4.50/1.00:

Nuno is battling to be the Yankees fifth starter, but will have a hard time beating out Michael Pineda, David Phelps and Adam Warren. Nuno is a soft tossing lefty who might be better suited for the pen. However, I feel it is in the teams best interest to keep one MLB ready starter stretched out in AAA. For this reason I suggest keeping him as a starter.


Josh Sabo is a Minor League writer for Yanks Beat Blog

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