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Monday, January 13, 2014

Alex Rodriguez sues MLB and MLBPA to overturn suspension

Alex Rodriguez has officially filed a lawsuit against Major League Baseball and the MLB Players' Association -- the people that are fighting on his side -- in an attempt to overturn his 162-game suspension handed down by arbitrator Fredric Horowitz on Saturday.

According to Steve Eder of the New York Times, A-Rod's suit seeks to "vacate" the ruling of arbitrator Horowitz. As Eder writes:

"In the court filing, which named Major League Baseball and the players union, his lawyers sought to vacate his ban for the 2014 season and to hold the players union responsible for its breaches of the duty of fair representation owed to Rodriguez. 
"The filing accuses Fredric Horowitz, Major League Baseball's chief arbitrator, of exhibiting “a manifest disregard for the law” and claims that he was not impartial and that he refused to hear evidence in Rodriguez's appeal of the suspension imposed against him last year."

In his suit, A-Rod claimed the Players Association "completely abdicated its responsibility to Mr. Rodriguez to protect his rights" and "this inaction by MLBPA created a climate in which MLB felt free to trample" on Rodriguez's confidentiality rights.

I'm sure this comes as a big surprise to the Players', considering that they have been fighting on his side this whole time -- even though they probably want nothing to do with him. Even after last night, when they released a statement that sited "breeches" in the CBA by MLB after sharing information about Horowitz's decision on "60 Minutes' Sunday night. The MLBPA mentioned in the statement they were considering legal actions because of it.

Then A-Rod went on to release all the papers in Horowitz's decision, which a federal judge had ruled earlier in the day that he could not file sealed.

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