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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

A-Rod Negotiating A Deal With MLB

Earlier in the night, USA Today reported that Major League Baseball was preparing to suspend Alex Rodriguez for life due to his connection in the Biogenesis scandal. It is believed that he, along with eight other major league players, are expected to hear their punishment at some point this week.

The reports say that MLB has enough evidence to keep Rodriguez off the field for the rest of his life, possibly accusing him of obstructing MLB's investigation.

But now there's a twist in the story: ESPN's T.J. Quinn is reporting that A-Rod and his lawyers are now negotiating with MLB to try to avoid dealing with the possible lifetime ban. Although his lawyers say that they would seek a deal, MLB has shown them enough evidence to prove A-Rod guilty in any case.

Below is a piece from from Quinn's report on

The source said MLB officials have told Rodriguez's attorneys that they are willing to ban him for life, although sources said it was not clear commissioner Bud Selig was prepared to make such a move, knowing Rodriguez would fight it in arbitration.
Several sources have told "Outside the Lines" that some MLB officials have pushed for a lifetime ban, saying they would rather force Rodriguez to defend himself than agree to a suspension that allows him play while he appeals. Rodriguez was presented with MLB's evidence in recent days, detailing what sources said were "volumes" of documents establishing a connection between Rodriguez and Biogenesis clinic founder Tony Bosch.
Sources said MLB was also given evidence supporting accusations that Rodriguez attempted to coerce at least one witness in MLB's investigation. That accusation is the basis of MLB's argument that Rodriguez may be punished for his conduct, in addition to multiple violations of the game's joint drug agreement.
MLB is apparently hoping that Rodriguez will accept a lengthy suspension that could keep him off the field through at least next season, without the time and trouble of an arbitration hearing.

A couple days ago, it was reported that MLB planned on suspending A-Rod under baseball's CBA rather than the Drug Joint Agreement, meaning that A-Rod wouldn't be able to play in games while fighting any suspension through the appeal process.

Whether Bud Selig will actually go through with a lifetime ban is unknown, it's believed that he was holding the lifetime ban over A-Rod in hopes to get him to settle a deal with MLB.

As for when these suspension will be announced, that's a question we've all been waiting for. We were hoping to hear something before the deadline, but then it was figured more likely to hear something on Thursday or Friday. Now it's sounding like we might not know until this weeks.

I know, it tortures me as much as you. Im just can't wait for all of this to end, so we can go back to talking about on the field baseball.

Follow @GavinEwbank2013 on Twitter and tell me what you think about A-Rod.

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